Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The Little Girl

today i met a little girl,
so hopeful and so happy..
today i met a little girl
oh she was so lovable and chirpy...
i thought i knew the little girl,
she sounded so familiar...
i thought i met the little girl
but that was  much earlier...
i wanted to talk to the little girl,
she smiled as she looked at me,
i thought i saw the little girl,
laugh at my life's irony...
i thought i heard the little girl,
teach me how to live...
i thought i felt the little girl,
did for all these years me forgive..
i thought i'd ask the little girl,
to tell me what it meant...
i thought she told me, that little girl,
she felt i should have lived...
i thought that the little girl,
did in the end show me the truth...
i thought i let the little girl,
show me that even realities are full of mirth...
i thought i'd escape the little girl,
so i left her before she could...
i thought i killed forever the little girl,
forgetting come back she would...
i thought i conjured the little girl,
for i never knew what i should...
i thought it was a lie, the little girl,
for it was me in my childhood...
there were those promises i made to the little girl,
there was a life to live...
the truth it was never mine,oh my dear girl
i gave more than i had to give...
i killed her for my love i did,
i killed her with my own bare hands...
i wrought her neck, i twisted it,
she lost, was my love so grand?
you would want me for manslaughter,
you would want me dead...
you wouldn't want to know what happened,
coz you wouldn't believe what you read...
i loved the little girl so much,
oh it hurt me it really did...
i killed the little girl myself,
before by others she was killed,
i don't blame, no not one for that
i did all of it decide...
the little girl that once had lived,
did truly in me reside...
a little girl, she was so naive,
she did in dreams believe...
she thought the world was what it seemed,
she did to each, all her give...
the little girl so bruised and hurt,
i just could not let her live...
and so i left the little girl,
please if you could, me forgive...